Quote Originally Posted by Roxy View Post
Yes... Take the one that works... And start expanding the boundaries of the X and Y limits. What ever your probe offsets are, they are going to be important in this. But once you make that line probe the full bed you can just use that in your Start Up GCode until you are ready to move to the fully checked out and clean code at GitHub. But my guess is that will be a solid month until you want to migrate.

Update: When you are expanding the boundaries... Have your finger on the Reset button. If you do something wrong and run the probe off the bed, you will end up driving the nozzle into the glass.
Thanks Roxy, I am used to having my finger near the rest button. I have the reflexes of a mongoose! rawr...

So far, having the Gcode set up like this at start up is working. I dont mind doing it this way for a month, it's no big deal.

Thank you!