Quote Originally Posted by Bassna View Post
I have had to e-mail them twice, both time's they did respond to me. The first response did not help at all, the second was a little better. It did take them quite a bit of time to respond, but like jimc mentioned, I bet they do get a lot of email's still at this time.

Edit - Whats the issue you are having? There is a heap full of people around here with a wealth of knowledge, I'm sure someone could help you work through it. What printer etc

Posted earlier in the thread with some of the major issues I have with the software.

Another issue that I have is with the first layer, even though you set the extrusion width to be more than 100%. Say you set it to 125% it doesn't put the extra 25% into the same space as it would have the 100% it actually spaces out the extrusion causing the exact opposite of what you are trying to accomplish. Instead of making for a more solid first layer it will actually create voids in the first layer. It is easy to reproduce this just by changing your first layer settings and then doing a print preview and then doing a cross section.

So to sum it up my issues off the top of my head are.

1. Infill is terrible and I mean terrible in the worst way. This causes all kinds of issues when printing working mechanical prototypes. Just do a google search for "Simplify3d infill problems"

2. If you have a boss or other protrusion that sits on top of a flat surface the interface between the two is very weak. "see the thread below"


3. First layer issues I mentioned above.

4. It will not wipe and retract at the same time so it creates blobs instead of reduces them when you use the two functions together.

5. Retract functions are needlessly confusing and will in fact fight against each other depending on how you have the boxes checked.

6. There is no option to adjust speeds for small perimeters.

If I thought about it long enough I could come up with probably a dozen more issues. Not all of these issues are show stoppers but some of them are show stoppers depending on what you are trying to slice and print.