Quote Originally Posted by curious aardvark View Post
not sure where you're looking to only find a 'few' functionalised filaments.
There are so many flexible filaments I've just not got round to testing more than half. There are at least 4 conductive filaments, then you've got the carbon fibre and grapehene, too many varieties of pla too mention.

Rather than needing more filament types - I need a helluva lot more time to test the ones I've already got and there are more coming out each week.

As far as antibacterial goes - any filament with copper in is not only antibacterial it's anti viral.

I will disagree with bassna's desire for post processing filaments. I hate all the sanding and buffing - I just want it to print and look metallic :-)

Check out globalfsd.com for more funtionalised filaments than you can shake a 3d printed stick at.
Hi aardvark, thanks for your reply!
I agree that there many varieties of one function but few functions. We have:

water solvable
anti bacterial/viral
metal infused
extra strong/hard

If you subtract all these where the function is due to the materials properties and those which just fulfill a "nice to look at" purpouse...there is few left. I was more thinking about new functions foreign to the materials intrinsic properties.
But I get you, there is a lot going on but I wanted to provoke a little out of the box thinking . Like "muscle fibre" filament or like flexible in general and rigid as soon as you apply a current or something.
Again thanks for your point! Thats what this Topic is here for.

Kind regards