Quote Originally Posted by curious aardvark View Post
well dropped the cylinders down to 12 facets, and the speheres to 20 and it finally rendered a 5x5 grid.

The pins and spheres are pretty small so it probably won't look that much different.
I'll knock them down to 10 and 15 and see if it'll do the bigger matrix.

Seems a pretty poor limitation though.
Yeah... Well... It is a huge amount of computation to go look for intersections and stuff. I feel sorry for my computer every time I tell it to render something big and tedious like that. If you wanted to get clever, you could make the tops of the pins a polygon. That would be fairly fast to instantiate on each pin and the computation would not be that bad. And for that matter... If you made the pins polygons, I bet your problems go away. The big problem is defining those polygons is a real pain in the @$$.