Update for this week:

Printer order status changed last night from in process to complete. Looks like Makerfarm shipped it last night and it will arrive on Monday.

Power supply arrived from Amazon this week, it is the one I put in my first post not the one mattanonymous recommended as I had already ordered it.

Also this week I got my Ocoto Pi up and running with the web cam. Next I need to get the relay board going, it came in this week also.

I still need to pick up the glass and the wire, I'm planing on just buying the wire by the foot from home depot and not going with speaker wire but stranded wire of the specified gauge, anyone see any issues with that? I have seen folks refer to "silicon wire" is this just wire with silicon insulation? I was disapointed when Home Depot told me they don't cut glass, so I'll have to check local hardware stores.