The duration it takes for plastics such as PET to decompose is longer than they have been used for bottling plastic. Therefore all plastic used for water bottles are still in existence. Only about 30% of these end up in landfills and most overflows into the oceans and lakes. Since 3D printing produces a lot of waste, recycling the printed components or any household plastics could make a generous impact on the waste produced. It is understood that a shredder would be useful for a limited 3D printing market (hobbbyists and SMBs with a proper printer). The result can reduce the cost of filament and reduce the amount of plastic waste. Although a shredder would have a rather high cost, it is an investment to save over an extended period of time and provide the benefits of DIY customization for printing.

I appreciate any feedback about this topic so far. I am presenting about the impact 3D printing has on plastic waste and what methods could reduce plastic waste altogether.