I don't know but a lot of people (me included) have had problems when things do not go well.

I bought an Azteeg from them, probably about a year ago and it did not work. I had to jump through hoops to get a replacement and it took about 5 weeks to sort out. They have a forum on their website where you have to post your problem and the people that answer (if they bother to answer) do not seem to be able to read English.

In my case the PCB was faulty. I discovered that because the replacement had exactly the same fault and I obviously was not going to get anywhere asking for another. Once I found the faulty I ended up with two working boards but including my time they were expensive. I told them exactly what the fault was but never heard anything.

A few months later I was trying to get a fast PWM out of pin 4 of the device and again had to contact them because though I could make pin 4 give me fast PWM I could not find the connector for it. After much questions they admitted that they had not implemented that part of the schematic. I found that pretty dumb as they sell it as an Azteeg when it does not follow the schematic on the net for the Azteeg.

Since all this there are periodic requests for help along the same lines so maybe their printer is good, maybe it's crap but if they cut corners by missing bits off circuits and they have crap technical support then I would not be risking that sort of money for an experiment, your choice.

Perhaps someone can post with other information about their experiences.

Forewarned is forearmed as they say.