There isn't much info on their site so I can only go by the photo they have and some mention about the printer on another site

So it is bottom up, bottom up printers have issues, top down printers have issues. They mentioned on the one site that they have created a build vat that doesn't need to be coated. If they did it would be great. Where is the video of that? Why didn't Formlabs or B9 do it yet? Those guys have been doing this for many many years.

The plastic box on the machine doesn't seem to have a hinge. My Makerbot 2x cover/top is broken because I have to constantly take it off and find a place to put it down and it always falls over. So it is cracked. How long is that top going to last?

It has an open mirror that will get dust on. The projector is going to be open and it will get dust on. Everything you go sit at your desk and you bump into the projector your image size is going to change and you need to recalibrate.

Since it is bottom up the light has to go through the mirror, bottom of machine and build vat. Prints take longer.

I don't see a ballscrew there. Not sure what the Z resolution will be.

There is no reservoir so if you want to print an item that takes up the full volume you will have to set an alarm for yourself every couple hours to come and fill the machine.

No way to easily mix the resin in the build vat. You need to take it out, put back in a bottle and mix it. Is there another one? One of my clients said he is doing it that way with his bottom up and he always makes a mess.

Normally bottom up printers can't print the full volume because of suction forces. You need to turn the item so that there is very little flat surfaces. So the advertising says one thing and in reality you get less volume. I have read where the Form1 sometimes breaks it's little great that tilts the vat because of suction forces. Now these guys don't seem to have that problem, but I don't see a video of that.

I couldn't find their campaign so I don't know why it failed. It scares me when campaigns fail because I will also run one. I am doing something different. I am getting 4 beta machines built and I am sending them across the world to get reviewed by independent people and websites so that I have that when I launch. Then it isn't my word, it is the word of others.

I lost a bunch of what I wanted to post, will add more later