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  1. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by awerby View Post
    Sure, let's get together for a drink - where are you located, anyway? What's your name? I hope you can take my criticisms in the constructive spirit in which they're offered. I agree with the people in the RepRap forum who offered feedback on your site at - few of us are going to give up their email address for collection before even seeing what you've got to offer. For someone who's all about transparency, openness and sharing, it seems odd that you're hiding behind that opening screen, and whatever anonymity these forums afford.


    In a recent article, economist Robert Reich pointed out that regular jobs are getting scarcer all the time, and people are being pushed into freelance work at the margins, where computers can't compete: . Designing things is one of those little niches. Taking the remuneration out of it, by building ever more sites that give away people's work for nothing, seems like something that just makes things harder for those independent designers trying to scrape out a living in this rather bleak new era of capitalism.

    Andrew Werby

    Dear Awerby,

    i would have been sospicious too, because lately there is lots of talkings about greed companies or bad 'terms and conditions'.
    But if we all think bad about everyone, won't we end up not seeing light anywhere?

    During last December week I did the following modeling and rendering of Makershape work office room just for me to improve my skills (and i didn't like to post it, it was a personal work):

    Don't you think i wouldn't had the skills of taking advantage of 3D printing as a designer by selling stuff? (and i did it many times in past).
    I had fallen in love with the idea of building something not only useful to me but for people, removing lots of 'barriers' not user friendly.
    I earned much more respect for this project in a few days than for 7 seven years of work and that's enough for me, thanks.

    I won't earn money from models, i'm making people sharing them easy and i'm trying every way to exclude ads on this website. As i stated before, it will be up to the community to choose life or death of this website.

    Now, let me quote you about '(...) being pushed into freelance work at the margins, where computers can't compete'.
    There is lot of talkings about robots, automation and future. It remembered to me an awesome short movie i saw on youtube:

    I don't think Makershape will be anything to worry about compare to other things, it will be very useful for people to cut distances and share models easy in different ways.

    Giovan Battista
    Last edited by Makershape; 02-06-2015 at 06:03 PM.

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