Quote Originally Posted by djbrowny View Post
Hello there,

I am the one who designed the interior of this contraption (I didnt do the concept, I did the mechanics) and I'm going around to try and explain it, as I fully understand there is a serious lack of info.

The reason for that is because it is true, it was designed in days, or to be accurate about 2 and a half weeks and from the time the website was made, it has been iterated heavily. I do have videos of it in action but unfortunately they are of an older version which doesnt look like the above! When the creator, Quinn, returns to Australia we will continue to put the final additions to the prototype to print chocolate from it. Then we will have some better videos of it I can promise!

If you have any questions about it or are doubtful, I can help answer them. I wont be able to give too much away as it is still in prototyping phase, it would be inaccurate for me to make a statement which could later be false, but hopefully I can fill in the gaps left on the solididea website.
Can you give us a basic rundown on how it works? what sort of methods it uses etc?