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  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by ssayer View Post
    It says today only... 720p (and wide angle which makes it perfect for a 3d printer...) for $49.99
    Thanks. It still says $49.99 for just yesterday but it's still priced that way. I'll probably try this.

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by nicanor76 View Post
    this came up recently, looks like it's worth it to alot of people here. Remote access control and camera for our printers:
    Interesting claim that it works with any printer. Debatable whether it's worth the cost though.

  3. #23
    Engineer Marm's Avatar
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    Seriously, setup port forwarding on your router (Been so long I dont remember the specs to do it), And stream your webcam via VLC. Easy peasy.

    VLC is a media player that will replace all your other (video) media players, works well on music too, but doesn't have the GUI to make flipping through albums easy. But I have yet to find a file format that VLC can't handle. I also have an app on my phone that controls the VLC player on my computer, so when I'm streaming a movie to the TV, I can control VLC like a normal remote. Yeah, that's kinda obsolete with smart TV's and Players, but it's still cool.

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Marm View Post
    Seriously, setup port forwarding on your router (Been so long I dont remember the specs to do it), And stream your webcam via VLC. Easy peasy.

    VLC is a media player that will replace all your other (video) media players, works well on music too, but doesn't have the GUI to make flipping through albums easy. But I have yet to find a file format that VLC can't handle. I also have an app on my phone that controls the VLC player on my computer, so when I'm streaming a movie to the TV, I can control VLC like a normal remote. Yeah, that's kinda obsolete with smart TV's and Players, but it's still cool.
    I'm at college so the router I use isn't mine. I don't think I can set up port forwarding.

  5. #25
    Engineer Marm's Avatar
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    Then your landline connection should have a static IP address set, you won't need to port forward. Just stream using VLC.

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Marm View Post
    Then your landline connection should have a static IP address set, you won't need to port forward. Just stream using VLC.
    The IP isn't static. I can confirm that.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by curious aardvark View Post
    teamviewer works better than vlc.
    That said it's been a few years since i played with vlc. I just use teamviewer these days.
    And for the vast majority of purposes 640x480 should be good enough.
    I haven't use teamviewer in ages, but how is the bandwidth consumption? Just hate to see the internet bill exploding...

  8. #28
    Engineer Marm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by asteinmark View Post
    The IP isn't static. I can confirm that.
    It should be "static" for the time the printer and camera are functioning. I have missed a lot of details in the thread, but if you're able to, just knowing the IP of the camera each time you run it, may be doable.

  9. #29
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    Here is what I do:

    It streams to a youtube live event. You can watch it from anywhere. No port forwarding needed. No static IP needed. Bandwidth is just your system uploading it once. Youtube handles multiplexing it out to anyone who may be watching.

    Technically this can be done with any computer and webcam, but a pi and pi cam is cheap.

    If you want to be able to start / cancel prints remotely too, load the same pi up with octoprint. You won't be able to view the video stream through octoprint while you are live streaming to youtube.

  10. #30
    Hey guys. Quick update here. I ended up buying the Raspberry Pi B+. The reason I waited so long is because I wanted to see how the Pi 2 performed and then decide which I needed. I chose not to get the Pi 2 because it shuts off when exposed to xenon light and I'm not 100% sure my printer doesn't use xenon lights and I may want to take pictures or use xenon light around it in the future.

    Anyway, I am having a problem. The Pi can't find my college's network, thus I can't connect via WiFi. I'm considering buying an ethernet cable but I'm not sure that will fix the problem. Will I need a router? Or is there a way to get the Pi recognize the campus network?

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