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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Thank you to the contest sponsors!

  2. #22
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    yes, thanks to the sponsors alright :-)
    Though as the contest started in july last year - I wonder how many of them are still in business ?
    I do know the klic-n-print forum is defunct, and the last website blog entry was september.

    I might have won a printer or I might not, lol Could be makibox all over again.
    Who knows.
    It's a volatile industry and no mistake.

    Does anybody know anyone with a knp machine ?
    And if so when did they buy it ?

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Mjolinor View Post
    Also unfair is removing someone from the draw for big prizes after they have won a yard of filament.

    A lot fairer to leave the entry pool intact than to remove anyone that won.

    Was allot of fun to play along, and learn a few things on the way even if not winning anything. Heck I came here to learn stuff and get info, not really to win prizes, so I'm happy!

    Though if only wanting to have 1 prize per person it's easy enough to just draw for the best prizes first and work the way down the list.
    So if you won a printer you'd be out and not win a roll of filament, or a second printer! LOL

    I agree though it'd be a bummer to win a roll of filament and lose a chance to win a printer.
    Just how you do the drawing is all really.

    Don't matter to me, but YA it would be a real bummer if 1 person had 150 entries and won 4 printers! HA HA.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Well many thanks to the forum and vendors for making such a nice contest for us participate in!
    I did not win a prize, but I learned a great deal so I still come out a winner!

    Many of the vendor type questions to answer to get 1 entry each actually provided information to me for things I was not aware was out there or available. For instance, glow in the dark filament! I only knew of that standard yuck green stuff. Yes, that is good stuff I guess but real colors are what's needed often, not just an alien green LOL
    I think I mentioned even that more colors were needed at first. THEN I saw some vendors that actually do have RED, Blue, yellow, and other colors available! So I learned something new!

    I also learned more about printers visiting some vendor sites I did not even know about yet. There seems to be more types of filament also than we see in the mainstream!

    Now that the contest is over I hope the vendor questions still stay around to look through as needed! There was many things I may want to go back and look at again for one reason or another. Many of the links in those questions are handy to have and I did not flood out my browser with bookmarks yet, but many would be good to bookmark and hopefully I will have time to do that in a couple weeks.

  5. #25
    Keep in mind this was a multi-entry contest. The prizes were won by entry not by individual. Somebody who validly entered more than once should have more than one chance at prizes. So if somebody with only one entry won any prize, they have no more chances at other prizes.

  6. #26
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    well It's looking inceasingly like I didn't win anything :-(

    Now if there wera company out there wanting some cheap publicity who, say, donated another delta kit in lieu of the non-existent knp machine.
    I'd be more than happy to accept :-)

  7. #27
    We'll see if we can figure anything out for you Curious.

  8. #28
    Super Moderator JohnA136's Avatar
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    Oct 2013
    Jersey Shore
    Thanks for all the vendors who donated items and congrats for everyone that won a prize. Let's not forget to Thank Brian who put this all together!

  9. #29
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    well I did manage to get onto the knp forum yesterday (on a clients machine) and there's at least one person there answering questions.

    Might have to sign up and remind them what they pledged in july :-)

  10. #30
    Senior Engineer
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Burnley, UK
    They should have their dangly bits chopped off if they still exist and don't deliver unless they can come up with a viable reason.

    Are they not communicating at all?

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