No, the platform should not rise enough to hit the extruders. The Z limit switch should be triggered and set the home position correctly to clear the extruders assuming that you have leveled the bed properly.
Adjust the bed down with the leveling screws to be sure the extruders will be clear and home the machine. It should go to the far right corner and then raise the platform until the limit switch is contact. It should then move down about 10mm and move back up slowly to the switch. If all this happens, then follow this by leveling the plate which is when the actual extruder to plate distance is established. Could these screws be working loose and letting the bed rise?

My Dreamer has lost position when the firmware bug that disrupts printing on loss of communication (e.g. closing Flashprint when the WiFi is still connected) manifests itself.
When I forget and a print fails, I press the processor reset button before resuming and this has avoided problems with the loss pf position.

With regard to the noise - my Dreamer makes a noise when the platform goes up or down near the middle of the travel. The metal platform is actually rubbing on the plastic wiring loom that runs up the center of the back wall. The noise sounds much worse than it really is but I still don't like it. I have tried manipulating that wire harness but it is just too thick for the space allowed. On my list of fixes/improvements is to address this properly but meanwhile I just cringe when I hear the noise and keep a watchful eye on the plastic look for signs of chafe.

Just listened to your video. Your noise is not the same as my wire loom interference.
