got the book. Well i say 'book' it's a very short pamphlet really.
Was it worth the couple quid I spent ?
Yeah -just, learnt a few neat things, a lot of the math was over my head. But then that doesn't matter.
There are numerous online tutorials that are probably better.

And to all you programmers complaining about the syntax - for the rest of us who aren't programmers - it's largely irrelevant. You just type the commands the way it want's them typed and it works. So what if it's different to something else ?
German is written different to english - well it would be it's a different language. Likewise openscad isn't a c-compiler. So why shouldn't it be different ?

Tried the openjscad a few times. Really don't like it. And don't need it.

And what the hell is a 'concat' command ?
And why would I need one ?