First off I'd like to thank you guys for this wonderful thread.

Unfortunately, I'm having issues with my files using OctoPrint. I can upload files to both the local and the SD card and I've tried .gcode and .gco extensions. I have no problems with this part.

When I click 'load' or 'load and print' under "Files" nothing happens. This happens with any file I try, regardless of how I uploaded them or if they were already on the SD card. Delete doesn't work either.

I can change temperature and control the axis and the extruder through OctoPrint. I can also start .gco files from the LCD on the printer which I uploaded earlier through OctoPrint.

I've tried using Chrome and Firefox and I'm in octopi.local. I feel like there might be a simple solution to this, or at least I'm hoping there is.

Any suggestions?