The fact that this print requires us to do work, that further increases the printers function is why it makes sense to take it on.
It may seem like lots of work but keep in mind that all iv done is model a few spheres in blender, extrude tails on them, most of the work is done with modifiers and instances. If it wasn’t for features like array in blender this would truly be alot of work.

I think its very posible to automate this... just look at what circuit board routers do!
but just as chayat says some trial and error will be needed so we can figure out what the exact goals of the automation code would be.

well here is the next print ( that worked ) I had one failed one the other day dew to dipper problems:
photo 2(1).jpg photo 3.jpg photo 4.jpg

photo 5.jpg perspective.jpg

I love that last pic

This print is 4cm tall and has 4000 layers.
I think pigment in the resin shorten the depth that the laser cures in to the resin and could give us greater height resolution.