There are a bunch of great build threads you should check out. I'm too tired to pull up the URLs, but look for printbus page for an 8in. Most of it relevant to the larger size. Also consider lacquer before build (maybe clough42's idea?). Definitely get some cable sleeving and take your time. Invite your friends and family over. Get your kids involved. Imagine, the PC in the late 70s early 80s: this is where you are in the 3D print revolution.

Enjoy your new tool!

Once you are settled, definitely investigate Roxy's ABL code. There are several physical implementations including printbus and clough42. Everyone has their own cooling fan solution. While you are running wires to the extruder head, take the time to put in a few extra +/- (red/black) sets that are not connected to use for fans and three wire for the ABL servo. You will want one eventually. So nice to have the wires in a bundle already.