Quote Originally Posted by Roxy View Post
How about we proceed with me actually putting the Auto Bed Leveling Matrix saving to EEPROM into my firmware, and you crossing your Configuration.h settings over to it. Upon further thought, I don't think you will need to worry about the Pins.h file. I think we just replace the Pins.h file in my code base with what ever you have since you have a totally different printer and won't be using anything I've messed with.

And then... Everything we are doing in this thread is related to Auto Bed Leveling Matrix saving to EEPROM. It will belong in this thread!

Sounds good.

Yes, but here is my concern: If the probe is -43mm on the X Axis... When you home the extruder, the nozzle is going to go to 0. But the probe is going to go to -43mm on the X Axis. Do you have the clearance so it doesn't hit something? I'm guessing it is just fine or you would have already run into problems. Right?

Yeah, there is plenty of room for the sensor, I will send a pic or video one of these days....

OK... Hang tight! As soon as I can, I'll get the Auto Bed Level Matrix code to save it to EEPROM in my code base and post it. And then, you just cross your Configuration.h settings over to it and with luck it just runs. With that said, DACB and PrintBus are seeing some flakyness in the code base they are running and right now there is a question of what is causing it. It is entirely possible what ever is causing their firmware to misbehave is the same thing that is giving you problems.

But here is the deal... If I get the Auto Bed Level Matrix code saving to EEPROM in my code base, we will have almost identical code and it will be much easier for me to figure out what is wrong if you continue to have problems. Hopefully, what ever you see, I'll be able to duplicate.
Perfect! I will look out for it.