Quote Originally Posted by printbus View Post
I haven't gotten around to installing the fan yet, but I printed a pair of these brackets to use with the RAMPS board - http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:145946
OK - finally got around to installing a fan with these brackets. I wanted to center the fan over the stepper drivers, but this leads to one leg that doesn't fit the edge of the board well because of the servos connector block on RAMPS. I left it that way, but a better fit would require either increasing the height of the notch in the leg of that corner or moving the fan down so that leg is below the reset button. Those without a heat bed relay should likely do the latter anyway since it'll add airflow for the heat bed MOSFET heatsink, but at some loss at airflow for the Z axis stepper motor driver.

As another option, some tweaks to AbuMaia's Y-motor fan bracket might allow it to be bolted to the faceplate of the frame and used as RAMPS fan mount... http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:498414