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  1. #3
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by richardphat View Post
    Cura can stop, Repetier Host can stop it. Pretty sure any open source supported software can do the job. Not sure why you would want to use makerware on flashforge printers though.
    because flashforge creators use the mightyboard and cannot use any of the open source software. Unless like geoff you've changed your board.

    The rest of us are limited to makerware, replicator-g and simplify3d.

    As far as stopping or pausing a print goes. The option exist on all software.

    what os are you running on the computer ?

    I've had no problem installing makerware on xp or windows 7.

    Does the python part install correctly ? That's the only bit I can see being an issue.

    Generally speaking if the first layer goes down clean, then the rest of the print will normally work.

    Issues I have had:

    Bad calibration, print detached halfway through and had lots of spaghetti.
    Model fell off rim of printer and wedged under the build plate - I no longer have models on the rim :-)
    Filament got caught behind reel and snapped
    Abs warped, caught print head, dislodged print. - Fixed by mostly using pla now and abs pretty much just on raft.

    But 99% of prints do what I want them to.
    You can cut down on problems by a few simple precautions.

    Check filament roll before starting a print.
    Make sure the build plate is properly calibrated
    No models around rim of printer (lol)
    And be there when the print actually starts - for the first layer anyway. If that goes down clean - you're usually okay. Well until it warps anyway :-)
    Last edited by curious aardvark; 11-17-2014 at 06:18 AM.

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