So I didn't buy enough wire to power everything up, but I had enough for the 11v and the 5v, and will need to get more for the heatbed. I hooked up my laptop and fired up pronterface and it seems like everything is working except the z access. Facing the printer the left side moves, but the right doesn't want to do anything. it looks to be trying but I am thinking something is binding so will look at that tonight.

In Pronterface if I click on the right side of the X axis, it should go right correct? If so I have the plug reversed.

The other question I have is that I noticed that I mounted the fan for the hexagon, so that it is pulling air, rather than pushing. Will that be ok, or do I need to flip it?

So encouraged to actually get this far!!!!! My time has been really limited to work on this so happy to finally get some movement!