Sorry, forgot I had posted this. So an update, I wiped the bed down with some rubbing alcohol and in the process noticed that there was a nasty scratched up spot on my kapton tape. New stuff is on the way but won't be here until monday. In the meantime I was able to get a copy of the latest pre-desktop makerware from a helpful forum member and got that installed. WAY better interface and hugely faster slicing. Tried the part again and it printed just fine (I did move it off to the side to avoid the scratched up part of the tape). I've since run three or four more small parts with no additional issues. I'm very seriously considering simplify3d based on it's feature set and the reviews I've seen of it but that's probably going to wait for a bit. Didn't bother to recalibrate, level the plate, or anything else before I tried to reprint (again, seeing how far I can push things) and so far so good. I'm honestly really pleasantly surprised at how many good prints I'm getting without any real problems. I was expecting more trial and error before I started making usable parts. Today I was even able to print out a splined collar I had drawn up as a tolerance test part. Actual dimensions were off by 1-1.3% of the model so not horrible and the variance was quite consistent so I'm relatively sure I can compensate for it and get parts that are damn close to 100% accurate or at least within an acceptable range of tolerance.