Thanks for posting, I'm one of the developers behind this. The demo is really basic right now, but you get the idea! You can check your print status when you're out of the room, share your printer with friends, coworkers, or classmates. The interface is meant to be easy enough that anyone can use it, but has the ability to power large farms of printers with complex configurations.

The recommended platform for our software is a Raspberry Pi, which can be attached to multiple printers. MakerBot, RepRap, Solidoodle, Ultimaker, are all supported. Slicing engines include Slic3r, Cura, and MakerBot, and we're going to provide those settings in the browser, accessible from any device.

I think the API is the best part. Developers can build apps (web, mobile, desktop) that send STL files to our service where they get sliced and can start printing right away. You no longer need to worry about what hardware is being used. This is going to be great for design software, marketplaces, games, and other applications. Don't forget to sign up for the beta, we need your feedback