Quote Originally Posted by amandanxtg View Post
We've always had some issues with the 2x from extruders to build plates. I can't remember the last time it was working properly. We are using kapton tape on our build plate, using ABS, and heating the build plate to 110.
Okay good, that information is important.

When building with ABS, you normally need to coat your glass (or Kapton or PE tape) with ABS juice. ABS juice is simply acetone that has some ABS dissolved in it. The ratio isn't critical, a typical recipe is about 10-20 75mm long pieces of filament tossed into about a cup of acetone. You let the ABS dissolve into the acetone, then brush it onto your glass or tape. An old pickle jar is an ideal container for your ABS juice. This makes a HUGE difference in how well your bottom layer sticks.

We typically don't have to heat the plate quite that much, we normally run about 85°C.

Obviously you also want to make sure your plate is as level as reasonably possible, and your z height home is set properly using the piece of paper under the extruder method. One other thing to remember is that when you set your Z home, you need to have the nozzle at operating temperature so there isn't any hard plastic sticking down to mess up your measurement.