Hi mate,

I cannot say this is definitely your issue but when my prints look like that, with little bits everywhere, either 1 of 2 things was wrong...

1. The filament clicked every now and again (or the stepper motor did) and every time it clicks and skips due to whatever reason, it forms one of those blobs.

2. There was some old crap in my extruder. I heat up my extruder , take my cleaning tool (which is a very thin string of metal, like a super thin guitar string) and then I push it up inside the nozzle to clear whatever is blocking it.

One question tho, when you extrude (without printing... just let it extrude like you are changing filament) ...
Does it come out straight down? as in a clean line of filament leading to the loops of extruded filament on the hotbed? like making a slinky?

A good extrusion will feel smooth along the extruded plastic, feel it with your fingers. It also should come out of the nozzle and go straight down.. not shoot out to the left or right, this indicates other filament possible stuck in there, needs flushing.

OR does it extrude funny, like curly bits coming out?