Quote Originally Posted by Roxy View Post
There was somebody here exploring the possibility of saving the bed correction matrix in the EEPROM so it doesn't have to be constructed at the start of each print. I don't know where in the process that work is. Or if it will see the light of day. It really isn't that hard to do. All the support routines for the EEPROM and default settings is in place to do it.
Interesting. I was under the impression that the EEPROM has a more limited number of writes/rewrites then typical memory and that it should only be used when necessary for permanent value changes, but I could be totally wrong! I don't even know if the RAMPS has another type of memory.

Quote Originally Posted by Roxy View Post
So right now... You just do a G28 and a G29 at the start of each print and the correction matrix is generated and used during the entire print. I have my Slicer Start Up GCode wait until the bed is up to temperature before doing the probing. That seems to help accuracy (at least for me). And I have the nozzle coming up to temperature during the probing. That works out pretty good for me.
So could one bake the G28 and G29 into the start up GCode after the bed has reached its desired temp?

I'm guessing this is a non-issue but does the probe switch ever show signs of melting with the heat from the bed?