Wow Vangaurd! You are certainly seem upset about the E3D. There is a megapost (17 pages so far) by the maker of E3D, Sanjay, on another forum and seems like most folks are VERY pleased with it. Sanjay is very open to comment and criticism and has made many tweaks to address issues and is very active on that thread. I have one but have not used it yet. The quality seems excellent. The folks participating on that thread are very active in the field and are all working to forward the field.

I'm not sure how you can say it is a direct rip off of the jhead. Because it has circular heat sink? Because it is round, about three inches long and has a heater at the bottom?

In my work, I never purchase from a vendor that spends my time bad mouthing the competitors. They need to sell me their product on its own merits.

btw..i'm am in no way associated with any 3d printer manufacturers or parts suppliers.
