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  1. #1
    Technologist Tachout's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Sandy Utah

    Auto bed leveling on Makerfarms i3V Help Needed

    Ok here is where I am at. I have printed off the parts from thingiverse to mount my servo and mount my switch. I have a servo and a switch. Doing the mechanical part is going to be easy. Doing the measurements are also easy. Here is where I need the help. I see different items people are saying edit prontoface or pronterface or something... and other things that I need to edit to enable the Auto Bed Leveling and that is where I am lost. Where is a good place to start reading about this, and where do I get this prontoface? I am wanting to get the bed leveling software and hardware working this weekend if possible. I am pretty sure I have everything hardware I need and before I go in and change my printer, I want to make sure if there is anything else I need to print I can do that.

    After I get this enabled, I want to make sure that it is configured as well, and then I can go in and start working on making sure the print quality is at its best. I have started printing some prototype parts, and some 3d parts for scale rc trucks and want to start printing homes really soon. Just want to make sure everything is set up as close as possible.

    I really appreciate the help I get from here. You guys are the best. Thank You.

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Roxy's Avatar
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    Lone Star State
    Quote Originally Posted by Tachout View Post
    I am wanting to get the bed leveling software and hardware working this weekend if possible. I am pretty sure I have everything hardware I need and before I go in and change my printer, I want to make sure if there is anything else I need to print I can do that.
    Getting that silly idea out of your head is the best place to start! If everything goes smoothly, it is going to take a week.

    • First you need the complete source code to Marlin for your machine using a recent version of Marlin. Alternatively... If you have a viable Configuration.h file you can go the current code base at:
    • Once you have that, you need the Arduino build environment set up and installed on you machine. Probably v. 1.0.5 makes sense. Go to: to download the build environment.
    • Rebuild your current firmware with some obvious, but small change. Something like turning on #define Z_SAFE_HOMING probably makes sense. Load it into your printer and make sure everything seems reasonable and that you can make changes to the firmware and see them show up in its operation.
    • If you have this all in place... Then we can talk about getting the Auto Bed Leveling turned on.

  3. #3
    Technologist Tachout's Avatar
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    Sandy Utah
    I am getting this all setup. I have also been reading zennmasterm site and watching his youtube. thank you

  4. #4
    Super Moderator Roxy's Avatar
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    Apr 2014
    Lone Star State
    Quote Originally Posted by Tachout View Post
    I am getting this all setup. I have also been reading zennmasterm site and watching his youtube. thank you
    If you can compile and run the firmware for your printer... You are 3/4 of the way there....

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