Google and Microsoft will probably come out with some sort of apps for 3D printing, Google may or may not decide to get into the actual physical market, depends on how big they think the market is. Google has become a very profit oriented company, invading more of our lives than any company before, including AOL, and Microsoft, both of which wanted to own your soul. Apple is close to the same, However they are more of a hardware company, it is possible, but unlikely they will become interested in 3D printing.

I was close to Steve Jobs(actually), he liked BIG things, things that ROCKED the world ! Although 3D printing looks like it is rocking the world, in a practical manner, it is a toy. In engineering it has it's uses, but they do not call for Apple to jump in with a consumer model. When Apple thinks they have something that is actually able to turn peoples heads, and I mean EVERYBODY'S, then they will come out with something. When every China man produces virtually the same thing, and there is nothing truly revolutionary, why would any big company want to put their money up. If Apple is interested, they will pop a product onto the world that IS revolutionary, but I don't see it.