You have a point that he hasn't specified a time that he needs the printer. It just seems like because people expect delays from KS campaigns these days that it leads the people putting them out to make more and more unrealistic timelines (has anyone asked for evidence of Craftbot sticking to the timeline they have? According to it they've already started production, but all I see on their page is renders.)

I wish the Craftbot team the best, I really do. But not calling them out on their promised delivery dates just feels like rewarding bad behavior.

And hey, they could come out with news that completely changes my tune on them. I was a pretty hefty sceptic of New Matter's MOD-T in the beginning, but they convinced me enough to pledge for one.

I guess I could reccomend the MOD-T just as much as many of the other crowdfunded reccomendations, but their Indiegogo campaign ended yesterday I think. (by the time they're "on shelves", I'll be sure to have some kind of review written.)