I'm flat out like a lizard drinking at the moment. This week my car and my motorcycle come up for re-registration, so I have to get them inspected for roadworthiness, then go to the DMV to pay $1300 for registration fees and compulsory Third Party Injury insurance. Then the landlord ended the lease on our house, so we are looking for a new place and also packing our goods and chattels in preparation for the move. Most of my workshop equipment is now in cartons.

Our daughter-in-law, who lives with us, went interstate for a family Christening, so we are 24/7 babysitters for a 19 month-old.

Then my son, his pal and I bought an old Land Rover 4 x 4 to restore, so Sunday was spent seeing if we could get it started and driving. We are going to strip it to the chassis and restore it from there.

I had the chance today to check the endstop switch wiring and diagram the correct set up. After dinner tonight I hope to go out to the workshop to finalise the wiring.

Then I've got to have a few stiff drinks to get the Dutch courage to attack the Marlin update.

I also want to design a special funnel to use to fill the gear box of my bike with oil so I can print it when I get time.

And if I get a chance, I might have a bath!!