Glad you got a print done! Things like this are why the higher end printers cost more.. Tight tolerances, well built assemblies that do not change from how they are set, etc. Please know, that when everything is as it should be mechanically, PETG sticks to PEI like crazy glue on your thumb and index finger, no glue stick ever needed. There is also the possibility the filament is the issues, I do not recall what you are using other than it is from amazon. I have uses Overture which is fine and Esun which is fine and Matterhackers build and pro which are all fine. All PETG will absorbed moisture and will need to be dried in a dehydrator from time to time and even sometime fresh out of the manufactures vacuum bag. When it gets wet you will hear the water pop as it exits the nozzle and see bubbles and holes and uneven surfaces as the water boils out of the molten plastic.