Good questions and something I have never heard of. Give me a second to respond...When printing starts it lays down a nice even line, makes a turn, makes a nice even line, so basically outlining the object, let's say for example a cube. By the time it gets about 2/3 of the way through the third side of the first line, it is pulling the first and second lines behind it like a dog following on a leash, No balling, no fuzzing, just won't stick.I did manage to hose my PEI sheet on the original aquila as leveling got way out of whack during a print and managed to ram the nozzle into the sheet. So brand new sheet... Am concerned about the leveling adjusters backing t hemselves off again though...Nozzle is .4mm, extrusion width is whatever the default in Voxelmaker is. Not a lot of options that I saw there, other than path width which I would think would be the same and that is .4mm as well.Yes I do have a digital micrometer. Lastly, I literally just heard about cleaning filament yesterday when I opened a box of new glow in the dark filament for a Raspberry Pi case I wanted to print. Never heard of it before, no clue how to use it.PLA is sticking well, PETG not so much. Pretty sure I am doing somthing wrong...The machine is new on the X3 max, the PEI build plates on both are new. So that might have something to do with it.I guess the first place to start. Smooth or textured side?Purple school glue or no?Use the Voxlemaker temp defaults or adjust to what the PETG MFG lists on the Amazon product listing? The bed temps are very much different. By about 20 deg C.