Quote Originally Posted by steve s View Post
Because he's not trying to sell it.

Bad analogy. George Lucas didn't base his characters on actual people. He owns the copyright to the names and appearance of those characters. If someone tries to profit off those characters he can sue them.

But if your characters have the same names and appearance of the characters in the original story, then you'd be guilty of copyright infringement.

If you ever tried to profit from it, you wouldn't last five minutes in court. Lucas learned a long time ago to look the other way regarding fan fiction and spoof movies as long as people weren't doing them for profit.

Steve S
He also sold the right to care for 4 billion dollars to Disney

If you ever tried to profit from it, you wouldn't last five minutes in court.
Of course, and who would want to take Disney on in court? not me!

hence the reason I wouldn't dare sell it, but if we want to get into the nitty gritty, just take a quick stroll on Ebay and search for unofficial toys, T-shirts, models and sculptures based off restricted licensing.. mind blown.