Quote Originally Posted by Mathew Saunders View Post
Alright so I'll look into the OpenSCAD, I can just try to learn some over the next few weeks. Now as for the printer, do I need to know a coding language or do most of these have a GUI. By that I mean when I need to tweek settings on that arduino, will I see a wall of text and start changing numbers or will I open a program, go to the speed tab and change the value?
Open_SCAD is a programming language. Everything you do will be lines of text. But the Open_SCAD program will show you a 3 dimensional image of what your code is doing. When you install Open_SCAD, you will find a directory called 'examples'. You can look at that code and see what it produces.

I typically have a text editor open with what I'm working on and Open_SCAD open with the same file. You can edit the source code in Open_SCAD, but you are better off using your favorite editor. Open_SCAD detects when you update the file and starts a new render of its contents. So... You can make small changes and push things around pretty easily and see what happens.

Quote Originally Posted by Mathew Saunders View Post
As for the printer, don't take this as I'm not listening to you. The repraps seems to be a great route to go. If I wanted to build a printer with 12x12x(pretty much and value) or maybe 15x15x(any value). If I wanted to build one with those for my budget... is that possible? If not toss one at me that would have something like that. Hell If I could have something that was 15 inches long, 6 inches wide and at least 4 tall....!
I kind of doubt you need 12" x 12". First, anything that big will take forever to print and use a huge amount of plastic. But if you really do need something that big, you can break the part into several interlocking pieces and print the pieces a few at a time.