Hi Innovestment,

This is The Inventery, maker of Morphi 3D. Thanks so much for your question.

Please let us know if your STL file was able to be sent through to your email. Sometimes it takes a little while to export a file depending on your Internet connection, the size of your file and other factors.

The greyed out shapes and text are sold as one pack for $3.99. You can access them by dragging a shape to the grid and the payment box will pop up. Once you pay for them, they appear like regular shapes on your iPad. This is not a demo - it's fully functional.

The shapes are different from what is currently offered by other basic modeling programs and many of them have hidden features, like adding additional sides to a shape or allowing you to bend certain shapes at an angle. For example, you can take the prism shape and turn it into an octagon. It's also easy to quickly rotate and position these shapes using the 90 degree button - you can rotate a shape at 90 degree increments and quickly place it. You can check out the guides (11 short videos) in the app which will tell you a little about the app's tools and how you can use them. http://www.morphiapp.com/guide/ You can also access these guides directly in the app by pressing the Guide button on the upper left corner of the app.

I hope we answered your questions. The app is new and we're here to help so please let us know if you have any more questions!