Thanks again! Here is the latest figure I made with Modo. I wanted another body template this time one that is a more bulky and also has a no abs crunch since I prefer a solid torso piece. I also played around more with Modo’s in built sculpting tools. They are quite handy to quickly add organic details like the figure’s hair and fur coat. The figure came out a little bit rougher then my usual figures. That is usually a sign for a fault with the printing material. I will probably have to exchange it and print another one. I still decided to print the figure though. You can see some rougher parts around the shoudlers and chest but still I think the paintjob came out nice. His shading is a little bit more cartoony. I am thinking about rendering the 3D model with a cartoon shader at some point in the future so the paintjob was to reflect that.
While a caveman is not the most original design I quite like this figure. I plan to create a series from this guy. It will basically be about cavemen who have to defend earth against an ancient evil with the help of long lost technology from Atlantis. This caveman’s club has an energy shield generator built into its hilt. He can use either use it to give the club the strength to punch through any known material or expand the shield to protect himself from harm.