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  1. #1

    What do you do with your old printer gear?

    Hi everybody, I've recently built myself a 2nd printer and purchased a 3rd and am finding myself with a surplus of steppers and electronics from my original printer (acrylic i3)While I can think of heaps of things to print, I can't for the life of me think of anything to reuse 3d printer hardware for other than possibly making a laser cutter/etcher. Which is impractical currently. I suppose ebay is an option. So what do you all do with hardware that's still fine, but you don't currently have a use for?

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    Last edited by tejas107; 12-24-2020 at 12:30 AM.

  2. #2
    I never disguard any hardware that is useful, you never know when you will need it. Yes I am an old guy, I come from a time when there was dials on the telephone and a wire attaching it to the wall. All it did was make phone calls..oh and you had to remember the number in your head! And yes, I have a lot of stuff, not quite a hoarder yet.. but maybe in another 10 year! Sell it or donate it if you don't have room to keep it.. Also check this out

  3. #3
    Staff Engineer
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    I regularly rework my printers always chasing the latest and greatest specs. Each printer I start with comes with a fairly cheap price which is a direct result of a machine that was assembled with the absolute cheapest parts that could be found on the market so there can still be a markup and a good price. Most will typically swap those dirt cheap parts for other cheap parts. And then as newer cheap parts come out we will swap those in. Realizing that each part was likely under $20 and what came on the machines less than that when new I toss the old parts so I do not have a plethora of rejected parts that were no good. Are you trying to ask if other people might want your trash? Do you want to risk gaining the reputation on ebay or wherever of selling cheap stuff that never works posted in your feedback? Did you replace the parts on your printers because you were looking for a tax writeoff? So then you already knew the part was sub standard or no good and you spent time and money and replaced it for this reason and now what is your question again? If you have 3 printers and a part on one fails are you going to take out of the trash and install a part you already replaced because it wasn't working right or are you gonna only have 2 printers for a short time while you wait on a new part to come to you? 3d printers fall firmly in the tech industry for those who were unsure. And in this industry everything becomes worthless and obsolete every 2 weeks. reselling your old sh*t is for the automotive or furniture or real estate or any other part of the world but definitely not cheap tech.

    There are some exceptions, right, like you might be able to get a few meaningful dollars back from a good quality name brand part that most will not buy. Right? Like a genuine Slice Engineering Mosquito hotend that is still in good working order, or a real BondTech BMG extruder, or a titan extruder with the holographic E3D logo on it's side, or a mainboard that works and has the DUET logo on it. These parts if you upgraded from you would want to clean up and try to resell.
    Last edited by AutoWiz; 12-12-2020 at 12:19 PM.

  4. #4
    Staff Engineer
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    I have an idea of what you could do with your free time with your acrylic i3. You could try to print out some of the pieces I designed for my acrylic i3 stability rework. These parts make the frame extremely rigid and add a touchscreen and voltage display. Geeetech i3 - Stability Rework by AutoWiz - Thingiverse

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