At this point it sounds like they are still earlier in beta than they've let on. My best advice is to be patient and wait for it to be fully completed, and get a revised set of Beta instructions. Or figure out other people who are in the beta testing group and ask them for help. (I don't know if there are any of them here, as I've not really heard of this particular printer myself.

Stories like yours are the reason why it's never a good idea for a company to be secretive about it's development process and beta testing.

Other piece of advice: If your emails look anything like your post here, I'm not terribly surprised that you're getting a poor reception from the company. Try again without using any all-capitilized words, they tend to put people off. Take a few days to look at the problem before contacting them again. And if you do decide to take it apart and send it back, make sure you get their promise to give you a full refund in writing first.

In general, a project should take about six months from the end of beta testing to final mass-produced product. The EZ3D kickstarter went up in September with no beta test started at the time... If their schedule had it being mass produced eight months after their first development, I would have stayed far away from them without needing a cautionary tale.

And of course, good luck!