Quote Originally Posted by regpye View Post
Yes, I am still working on that with an update. I found that when I made the arm longer it also brought some additional movement with it that was not wanted.
I have re-designed it again with a teflon guide (3mm tube) to stop any sideways movement. Not tested it out yet, but I am sure it will do the trick.
Let me test first and then I will make the files available.
I was wondering about that very thing. I was wondering if making a big fork on the lever where one prong pressed very gently on each side of a block would keep it aligned. I don't know exactly what you have done looks like. So what I'm thinking about might not even make sense. But with a long arm, and slop in the pivot hinge is going to let stuff wiggle at the end. The idea was to not have any wiggle because the prongs would be pressing (very gently) on each side of a block.