Quote Originally Posted by Brian_Krassenstein View Post
Researchers have discovered a way to utilize the capabilities of 3D printing to create Boluses which protect cancer patients in a more efficient manner. The boluses are created by taking CT scans and then printing out a model created from those scans. Once printed the bolus can be placed on an individual to protect certain areas from radiation therapy, while also providing lower doses of radiation to certain areas. More details on this story may be found here: http://3dprint.com/10030/3d-print-cancer-treatment/

Below is a picture showing an example of a 3D printed customized bolus:
This is an interesting article, but the image of the blue nose bolus provided is not a 3D printed bolus. That is a .decimal Electron Conformal Therapy Bolus and that image is from a 2010 article in the Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics (see https://aapm.onlinelibrary.wiley.com...cmp.v12i1.3311). .decimal is an outsourced custom bolus provider and services hundreds of treatment centers across the US and they use CNC Milling technology to fabricate their boluses, as it offers more consistent material properties and just as fast of a turn-around as in-house 3d printing (https://dotdecimal.com/products/electrons/bolusect/). 3d printing is great in many applications, but let's make sure to give proper credit to other technologies too.