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  1. #21
    Super Moderator RobH2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beerdart View Post
    In the name of debunk I have a few meters soaking in a bucket of H2O ill let it soak till tomorrow night then run a print.
    Awesome test. Good thinking...
    Bambu P1S/AMS

  2. #22
    Engineer-in-Training beerdart's Avatar
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    Ok ran the marinated ABS last night and it appears to have some filament out-gassing on the finished edges. Then ran the same filament @ room humidity of 55% and you can see the difference. So conclusion do not soak your ABS in H2O but I dont think high humidity will bother it much. Ill post back in the summer when humidity hits in the 90% range..

  3. #23
    Super Moderator RobH2's Avatar
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    Ah, marinated ABS. Let me get my fork and knife out and tie my 3d printed bib around my neck....

    Yes, I figured it might not go too well but you don't know until you test it. That's the whole tenant of science.

    Great test. It's good to see a good photo of what severe "out-gassing" looks like. If for nothing else, the test gives us a good image of that so when it happens we'll know.

    I'm a little confused about what you are saying about the same filament at 55% and 90% humidity. What are you doing there?

    What I need to do (and I will when I get some time) is leave a piece of filament out for 1-day, 1-week and 1-month and then print the same object against fresh and humidity-free filament. Then examine them closely and see if I can tell which is which. In a perfect world, you would not be able to. That test will take some time as I'd need to take the "month" piece out now and then wait 3-weeks to take out the next piece....etc. I will do this one day soon.

    Explain the next step was confusing and report back with the results. Nice work...
    Bambu P1S/AMS

  4. #24
    Engineer-in-Training beerdart's Avatar
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    What I mean about 50% that is my current room humidity and in the summer it will be 90% so Ill post back when the humidity is high to see if I get any out gassing.

  5. #25
    Super Moderator RobH2's Avatar
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    Ok, I gotcha. That makes sense. You are just saying that right now, with your filament always out, you don't have problems in a 50% humidity environment. If that's the case, that's good to know. I have AC so I don't really ever get much more than 50%. So, I maybe should not worry about it too much. I've printed on a roll for 3 or 4 days but then I always put it away. I haven't had any moisture problems that I know of. I need to do the test I mentioned earlier. Maybe I'll stop and do that tonight.
    Bambu P1S/AMS

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