Quote Originally Posted by DrLuigi View Post
Nicely done there! ^^

Thats Reprap i guess, create new things, or improve whats already there.

Great contribution for a new member,

Btw you are using a Prusa, But whats that type of extruder?
Never seen Ethernet cables, But it does look neat, Alot better then mine wich is well, has alot of wires haha :P
I hope you enjoy your stay here ^^

Best regards,
I bought a kit from one of the Grad Students at my school. It took a while to get the kit together and working. But when everything was together, I didn't really have anything that needed to be printed. So the printer started evolving itself. The original parts were black plastic, and everything on my printer that is new is not black plastic.

The extruder is a heavily modified Wade's extruder. For some reason, my extruder motor would wimp out and not have enough power some times. So, I kind of brute forced it with a very low gear ratio. I had to warm over the Wade's extruder to have enough space for the gears. And of course, I had to have auto_bed_leveling. So more iterations of the extruder to have the servo nicely embedded in it and to make it so the Z-Probe can kick down with high repeatability. And of course, messing with the extruder meant connecting and disconnecting things all the time so having the network cable jacks makes it real quick and easy to put the extruder on and off the printer.