Quote Originally Posted by Tesla View Post
Thanks for the advice, do i have to do this the filament is not in use such as dehydrator, then store in ziplock bag ?
Not sure I understand the question.. You should store your filament in an air tight "something" with descant when it is not being used (like when you are done for the day).
I use vacuum bags so I can suck out all the air. I have a dehydrator so I can dry out the spool when they start to print a lot of strings (sign they are getting too wet). This will happen even if you store it in air tight bags.. Like when I am printing a bunch of big stuff that will run all night and all day, after a couple of day if the weather is humid, the PLA will start to string. You don't "Have" to do anything but you will know when things get too wet as your prints will not look good..

I guess if live in the desert southwest or climate where humidity is below 25%-30% most of the time you could just leave it on the machine until it is all used up. However here in the PA in the Delaware Valley where the Relative humility is in the 80-90%+ a good part of the year can't do that even with AC on all the time.. room get to 45% humidity and after about 4 days of that the spool needs to be dried..