The dollar store around here only sells "Large" bags.. 17.5" x 27.5 which is really too big for a single spool but they are a buck each, so no big deal.
For the dehydrator, take a pair of side cutters and remove the circle of mesh in 2 or 3 of the shelves, what ever is needed to fit the spool. Here is the video I found prior to buying it myself. Note that 140 F is a bit too hot for PLA, it gets a little stuck together on the spool.. I use 135 and just set it to run for 9 hours before I go to bed. ABS and Nylon 140F for even longer..
Note that this is rather noisy and makes heat so I keep it in the basement.. not something you want running in a bed room or other living space if you can avoid it.

I also bought large descant bags to go with each spool and they get tossed into the dehydrator each time the spool is done..