It's really coming along. Just ordered the non printed parts (I'm probably a bit short on cash now but Uni will be starting soon so I won't have much time...). They should arrive within the next month or two, then I'll start a build thread. The last part left to design is the base/frame (and a hotend mount, but that WILL be easy, I hope), that should be fairly straightforward and easy (famous last words, each time I said that it's been wrong).

I'll upload an STL of the effector pieces soon. The effector/shoulder offsets ended up a bit bigger than I'd like because of some collisions I hadn't anticipated when I started, but that's that. The machine looks a bit clunky and disproportionate because things like the bearings, nuts and pulleys take up a lot more of the machine at smaller scales. If you build a 250mm+ machine it starts to take on some nicer proportions.

For anyone curious, V0.0 will be a 50mm radius, 100mm height cylinder build volume. Of course, due to the nature of the printer it can actually print bigger but no slicer supports this shape of build volume so I made it use some more relatable dimensions and shapes.

By the way, don't use the STLs on thingiverse to build one of these, they were all generated with different settings so I can't guarantee it will make a usable machine. I can almost guarantee it wont.