I've developed a few prejudices regarding 3D printers: I don't like the ones which constantly move the build plate laterally, that just seems like it's begging for trouble. Add to that a tipsy tower with limited (if any) box structure and OMG a Bowden and it's a complete non-starter for me. That approach strikes me as akin to the dancing bear analysis. WRT Delta's, I might put a toe in the water with the new Monoprice Mini Delta once it's generally available. I love the price point on that little puppy, particularly as a surprisingly well featured, fully assembled printer. But honestly, I find the motion that Delta's make just too organic and it kinda creeps me out. TBD Prior to 3D printers I was always entranced by pen plotters, so there's some history there. The orthogonal stuff is just more engaging to me.

If there were a fully assembled large scale 3D printer that fit my (arguably narrow) requirements, and was under $1000, that'd be of interest to me, but I've not found any so far.

Quote Originally Posted by curious aardvark View Post
looks okay.
for the price not bad.
might be worth looking at the tevo tornado as well.
same build volume, less building and claimed totally unrealistic print speed of 150mm/s - yeah right lol

So what have you got against deltas ?
faster printing, better quality, less noise, less to go wrong, easier to build, smaller footprint, way more entertaining to watch, kits are cheap etc :-)

Don't underestimate the 'more entertaining to watch' either.
Because of the speeeeed I tend to print at, even fairly large items can print fast enough to watch them grow in real time. It's addictive, way better than telly :-)