Thank you for the reply. I now realize that this setup would be independent of the 3d printing software. Yes, a large 4K LCD screen could be a good choice, however I have already decided on a top down approach. I haven't decided what to do beyond that. It turns out that the 1080P DLP projectors I could get a good deal on are short throw....doh....that's not going to work. I could drastically reduce the build area and drastically increase the Z travel. Print time would take forever......Not sure what I will do at this point.

Has anyone ever hacked a laser printer (as in one used normally with toner to print on paper) with a different laser, perhaps a blu ray laser, to print on resin? You'd need to run the laser back and forth over the resin, but that's only in one axis, simple enough to do, as long as some form of software would support it. Far simpler than a two axis laser. I realize that there are galvanometers also, but who has made a DIY machine with one? Anyone ever tried to adapt one of those cheap laser light projectors from EBay? I am guessing the quality is not good enough for this purpose?

Seems like there are many alternatives that haven't been fully explored? Or perhaps these things have already been done, I just haven't seen the examples, either try and fail or try and succeed?