So one issue I do have with Alexa, she's overly friendly and easily distracted (In fact, exactly like her namesake lol) .
ie: if she's printing from the sd-card and the usb cable is plugged in and you switch the computer on.
She'll immediately start talking to the computer and completely forget she was supposed to be printing something.

Note to self - if you intend to come back during a long print - unplug the sodding usb cable before turning the computer on !
Had to start the bb marble machine again.
The 50% that was printed looks great and works well. The smaller these things get, the better they seem to print lol

I do a lot of short prints over usb, so it is usually plugged in. Sigh.

On a completely different note.

Nema 14 stepper motor next to it's big brother the ubiquitious nema 17.
Cute little buggers these 14's
130 grams versus the 17's 230.
Perfect for a flying extruder.

Was a bit concerned at first, as the shaft looked smaller - checked and it's same length and diameter. Which is a relief :-)