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  1. #11
    Nepherael - well that is certainly interesting. Actually last night I did take the card out and put it back in without turning off the machine, and it worked. But the next time I get a card read error, I'll definitely try what you suggest. Thanks!

  2. #12
    Super Moderator
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    Jun 2016
    Yup, happens every time. I just back arrow then select again. Works every time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nepherael View Post
    Just a quick anecdote. I use an FFCP clone (Qidi Tech 1) and EVERY SINGLE TIME I put my SD card in I choose the "read from SD card" option and EVERY SINGLE TIME it says "SD card read error". When this happens I literally just hit the Select/OK button and hit it again right away and the files show up.

    I've been believing it is an initialization issue with the firmware within the system itself (I think Qidi uses modified sailfish) and have not had an issue yet just hitting the select button until the models load up.

    I am using the SD card mine was shipped with. I tend to not believe it is an issue with it being an inferior card because it happens EVERY time. It is not intermittent as if something is low quality within the card itself (this is in my case. I know your symptoms are a little different). I also have read many many reports of this exact same thing happening on FFCP's and Qidi's.

    I'm sure you've tried to continually go into the SD menu but I hope that helps. Maybe there's a way to "factory default" your FFCP. If you haven't changed any firmware settings within the printer itself or updated the firmware then going to factory default shouldn't cause any issues and maybe it will help with initializing SD card reading.

  3. #13
    Well, yesterday the SD card was the least of my worries. I had my second extruder clog/filament jam since I've owned the machine, and it was my own damned fault. I added an extra process into a Simplify file at the last minute and forgot to check the defaulty temperature settings. A third of the way into the print, when it hit that process (I was printing PLA from the left extruder), the temperature for both extruders shot up to the ABS settings - the left extruder 30 degrees hotter than I wanted, the right extruder cooking while doing nothing, and the bed 50 degrees hotter.

    I decided to let it run and hope for the best. About 30 to 40 minutes later, when it hit the end of that process - the left extruder essentially shut down while it had to cool 30 degrees. Guess how well that worked? Yep, you guessed. Had to tear the whole thing apart - had truble getting the left stepper motor out and ended up taking apart the right too - which meant when I put it back together, I didn't have one fan as reference - I ended up putting then on backwards. Luckily I caught that error almost instantly, because the fan sounded different.

    Bit off topic, I know, but moral of the story is - always check those temp settings for both extruders! And if you do see the temps shoot up because you got settings wrong - don't hope for the best! Shut down the print instantly!

    Okay, back to SD cards.....

  4. #14
    Super Moderator
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    Jun 2016
    You can adjust temps from the printer control panel. Worth a try.

  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by wirlybird View Post
    You can adjust temps from the printer control panel. Worth a try.
    Wut? While a print is running? How do you do that? And would it override all the other temp settings on the other processes?

  6. #16
    Super Moderator
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    While it is printing push the center button or the back arrow, probably doesn't matter what you push. Then look at the menu and scroll. You should see extruder temp and bed temp and some other stuff.
    I think it will over ride until the file tells it to do something different but I am not sure.
    Test is out and see!

  7. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by wirlybird View Post
    While it is printing push the center button or the back arrow, probably doesn't matter what you push. Then look at the menu and scroll. You should see extruder temp and bed temp and some other stuff.
    I think it will over ride until the file tells it to do something different but I am not sure.
    Test is out and see!
    LOL, Wirlybird - "test it out and see". I wish I had that luxury. My deadline is so desperate that if I lose hours of printing through a test I'm screwed. But if I have no choice but to change temps or cancel the print anyway - I'll give it a try.

    Thanks to both you and number40fan for the feedback.

  8. #18
    I can verify that changing extruder and bed temp from the printer will override. If there is a command at higher layers to change it it will change again but if you know that command is coming just override it again

  9. #19
    Nepherael - that's what I needed to know. If I can change it manually and have the software change it back at the appropriate times, that's very helpful.

  10. #20
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    Only time I got an SD error was when I did a "hot swap", that is I did not turn off the printer when removing/inserting the card. Once I turned it off and inserted the card, it has worked fine ever since. I don't think the Creator Pro likes hot swap. This also occured on another Creator Pro at our local library. Again, it seemed to work fine once inserted when the machine was turned off.

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